Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wind Farm in Highland County, Virginia

As we move toward generating more "green" energy, wind farms are becoming a more popular way to achieve this. Currently, in Highland County, Virginia, local officials have approved the idea of making 50 acres of Highland County's 416 square miles home to the state's first wind farm. This farm will house 19 wind turbines that will generate enough electricity to power 20,000 homes. Highland County was selected as a premier spot for the farm due to the small population of people and the high elevation of the mountains. It seemed like the best spot possible until Virginia regulators held a hearing about the proposed wind farm and got an overwhelmingly negative response from the locals. Many of the locals are against this project because they feel like the 400 ft high wind turbines will change the scenery and aesthetic beauty of the county forever. Others believe that the wind farm will not only harm there local businesses that rely on the natural beauty of the mountains, but will also be detrimental to the health of local birds and bats. Recently, there has been a big debate about the aesthetic harm the wind farm will create for a nearby Civil War battlefield. Although, a lot of the locals are wanting to reject the idea and have even tied the progress of project in local courts, some locals are open to the idea. They say that the wind farm will bring money into the remote area as well as will provide much needed "green" energy.

In my opinion, I am against the idea of putting a wind farm in Highland County. My initial thought was that this would be a great chance for Virginia to generate some clean energy, but after reading about how it could negatively affect the area and knowing people that have property in the area, I was less certain about the project. Then I thought about if I would want a huge wind farm in my backyard? While nobody wants this we do have to put the wind turbines somewhere. So that raises the question of where to put them that will cause the least amount of problems? For now we must keep coming up with new ideas like putting wind turbines out in the ocean.


  1. I understand and respect the "Not in my backyard" mentality because it would be difficult for me to want a wind turbine on my land as well... BUT, I can't help but wonder, why is it so terribly hard to find 50 acres of remote land in Virginia?! I'm sure there MUST be someone in this entire state that is willing to allow these turbines on their land (granted they are in a good location for harnessing wind). Maybe the state isn't looking hard enough?

  2. I agree with not wanting to destroy the aesthetic beauty of a small town area ,yet if it is the only wind farm in Virginia it may bring more people to Highland County to see it. I completely understand the “not in my backyard” mentality, but this is not something that causes health problems for humans or exacerbates other environmental issues. I cannot help but see the positives of green energy for years to come. I also do not feel as though the attraction of the Civil War battlefield is keeping the area alive. I am from near Appomattox Virginia, where our country reunited, and even that it is not a big moneymaker for the area’s economy.
    -Amanda Hamilton

  3. I agree with Caroline, and I think there is plenty of space that we can use for setting up wind turbines. As we discussed in class before wind turbines could bring very positive outcomes into a community. One, the tax revenues from energy production would help strengthen the communities. Two,it could create new local jobs would be created for citizens in agriculture, hospitality and tourism, and wind turbine maintenance.
    And as far as bird populations, yes, the blades of wind turbines can hit birds who attempt to fly between them. However, it should be kept in mind that birds are also affected by the disadvantages of other power generation methods, especially pollution.


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